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Lessons I’ve Learned as an Artist

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

  • Don’t compare your art to other artist’s art.

  • You have to create a large body of consistent work to track your progress as an artist.

  • There will be times when you want to make something, but it’s just an urge without motivation or ideas to back it up. Still try to make something, but don’t be too upset if you end up not making anything you actually like.

  • Don’t buy sketchbooks for no reason. It’s a waste of money; finish the current sketchbook(s) you have before you decide to buy a brand new sketchbook… I know it’s tempting to buy 2 new sketchbooks because the design on one of them is, “So inspiring”, but you have 5 semi-new sketchbooks at home. Don’t do it. Trust me… I know.

  • Try making a few pieces with different types of mediums. Try using acrylic paint, then inking it, then adding a cutout of a flower or a heart. Mixed media art is a great way to get outside of your comfort zone (unless you’re a mixed media artist that is) and make something you’ve yet to make.

  • Surf the web for inspiration. Some sites I use are: Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and Google Images. But, don't go down the rabbit hole. Find your inspiration and then put those ideas into action via sketching or painting.

  • Don’t spend over 30 minutes looking for inspiration. After the 30 minute mark, you’ve now gone down the rabbit hole. Come back!

  • Get out of the house and try urban sketching. Go to a park, a coffee shop, or a mall and sketch/paint your surroundings.

  • Have a pencil pouch to put your on-the-go art supplies in.

  • Try sketching/painting with no music. It’s relaxing, and because there is no music, it’s easier to stay focused on the art in front of you.

  • If you paint people, plants, or landscapes, follow a few photography accounts on Instagram whose photographs will inspire you. Saves you time for when you need inspiration.

  • Don’t be afraid to share your work. Chances are someone will like it, even if you’re in the beginning stages of your art journey.

  • If you find that you’re critical of your art, ask 3-4 people what they think of your work. Get some feedback from others and see what they have to say about it. Chances are, you’re too close to your work and just need a second, or third, or fourth opinion on it.

  • If you know you have a big art project that you have to get done in one day, then as soon you wake up the day of your project, meal prep for the day. Don’t go all day without eating because you have a project due. Yes, that project is important but your body still needs attention too.

  • Get off the couch. Get out of the house. Go look at something beautiful. Give your mind a mental break by looking at all the beautiful things around you. Take a walk, catch the bus somewhere, ride your bike, or go on a drive around your neighborhood.

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