Can we talk about how
For years, I’ve heard it said
That, “Home is where the heart is.”
Because recently it dawned on me
That home is where my bed is
And my bed is where I sleep
So really..
Home is where my rest is
I remember the feeling of being restless
So stressed
Head under water,
Not knowing where my next breath is
So I can say with confidence that
Real rest comes from redemption
And redemption was on the cross
So my rest’s wherever Christ is
My home’s wherever life is
My home is where no strife is
Where there’s love, peace, joy
A book – the word of God –
Read to you every night is
Can we talk about how
For years, I’ve heard it said
That, “Home is where the heart is..
But the bible never really says
Anything good about the heart
It says that it’s sick
And who can understand it
Who wants to live where there’s filth
In a place with no safety, no true comfort, or trust?
Who wants to live in a place where people consistently warn you of?
I don’t want to live where my heart is
I want to live where life is
Where the streets are paved with gold
Where each one of us has our own specially designed abode
Where there’s purity, where there’s hope,
Where the glory of God is eternally
Can we talk about how
For years, I’ve heard it said
That, “Home is where the heart is.
Because recently it dawned on me
That home’s wherever God is.